Bids are hereby requested for the following: Supply and delivery galvanised roofing screws, 90 x 6.3mm with washers complete per 100: Specifications: Supply & delivery of: S3B0007772: - Screws roofing galvanised 90 x 6.3mm with washers complete per 100 (09C30096). (Oferta №100354676es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 100354676
Fecha de publicación: 27-02-2024


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Дотуур байрн хүүхдийн хоолны материал нийлүүлэх Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Хүүхдийн хоол Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Ерөнхий боловсролын сургуулийн засвар /Зүүнбүрэн сум/ Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Атар-50 цэцэрлэгт хүрээлэнгийн нийтийн эзэмшлийн талбайн засвар Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем


Rand Water Foundation (RWF) invites tenders for the following: Supply, deliver and install the following at Lethabo Site Offices: Scope: Supply all labour, material and equipment to install the Lethabo Pump Station Site Offices as detailed in the scope of work: - Phase 1: Preparation of the ground for placement of the porter camp, - Phase 2: Supply, delivery, and installation of porter Camp as per the drawing, - Phase 3: Supply, deliver and install office and kitchen furniture, - Phase 4: Connection to the site services (Electrical, potable water, and wastewater), - Phase 5: Supply, delivery, and assembling of office and kitchen furniture, - Phase 6: Paved Apron and Brick-up bottom of the porter camp to prevent sheltering of wildlife i.e. snakes, squirrels, and meerkats, - Phase 7: Covered and paved Carports. The porter camp offices and other buildings to be fully constructed with 3 set of keys for all locks and fitted with 2 off 48000 BTU inverter Split unit Air conditioner and accessories listed as part of the items. Supply, deliver and Install Porter Camp Offices: 11m long x 6m Wide with integrated Kitchenette: • Preparation of the ground/platform to position the porter camp, • The office space must have weather insulated painted walls, floor tiles, ceiling, doors and windows with burglar bars, and horizontal aluminum blinds, • Kitchenette to be ±2.5m long standard and ±2.5m width fitted with a wooden countertop, double sink, two drawers and two lower cupboards with shelves, Installation of the required plumbing and drainage system, • Supply, deliver and install 2 x flushing Toilets (Male & Female with labels): sewer system and plumbing to be connected to the existing sewer system. Installation of the toilets to be completed with privacy (frosted) windows and burglar bars. The toilet space must be fitted with 25L geyser, • Supply, deliver and install connection to the site electrical distribution board. Price to include fitting of 3 plug points in the kitchen, 6 plug points in the office space, lights (inside and outside all external doors) and switches, light bulbs, labour issuing of COC as per OHS act and SANS10142-1 and all the other necessary supplies. Plug point positions to be confirmed during execution of the works, • Supply, deliver and install Connection to the site services (portable water and wastewater), • Office building and toilets to be fitted with gutters, Awning over all doors and installation of a 2m paving apron all around. Supply, deliver and Install 4 x IBR roof covered and paved carports. The contractor to provide a fire extinguisher as part of the safety requirements. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS