Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Interpreting services needed during meeting at West Coast District Municipality. Specifications: - Interpreting services is required for Council and Portfolio Committee meetings; - Provide services in the languages English/IsiXhosa, IsiXhosa/English and Afrikaans/isiXhosa and vice versa; - Three languages in terms of the Language Policy of WCDM/Western Cape; - On-site and Virtual Meetings; - The Service Provider must always act and dress professionally in accordance with the Rules of Order of the Council and the Dress Code Policy of the Municipality; - These policies will be provided to the successful services provider; - Suitable qualified experienced Service Provider who specializes in the field of rendering interpreting services for the following dates: - Meeting: Special Council Meeting, Date: 21 February 2024, Time: 11:00; - Meeting: Portfolio Committee Meeting, Date: 05 March 2024, Time: 10:00; - Meeting: 125th General Council Meeting, Date: 27 March 2024, Time: 11:00; - Meeting: Portfolio Committee Meeting, Date: 02 April 2024, Time: 10:00; - Meeting: Portfolio Committee Meeting, Date: May 2024, Time: 10:00; - Meeting: Special – 126th General Council Meeting, Date: 06 May 2024, Time: 11:00; - Meeting: Portfolio Committee Meeting, Date: June 2024, Time: 10:00. The interpreter should render interpreting services from the source language to the target language which could be Afrikaans, English or isiXhosa. Service Provider must be able to render service on short notice as dates of scheduled meetings can change or be cancelled on short notice. Service Provider must have access to Virtual facilities (own laptop, internet access, data, or Wi-Fi) to be able to attend meetings virtually via MS Teams / Zoom or any similar application. The prospective Service Provider should be equipped with a webcam, videophone, or another type of device that has both video and audio capabilities. Strong internet connectivity is also required. Service Provider should: Provide prompt, professional, and courteous video remote interpreting services. Interpreters with applicable experience should apply, adhere and comply with confidentiality agreements and follow established procedures for confidential records. Guarantee accuracy and satisfaction on all remote interpreting assignments. (Oferta №100281455es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 100281455
Fecha de publicación: 26-02-2024


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Acceso completo
Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to provide adult education training for JOSHCO employees. The service provider will provide ABET to 40 employees at different levels (one level per delegate). The training provider will be expected to: • Conduct assessments; • Provide training manuals, stationery, bags etc; • Deliver training; • Facilitate the training end to end; • Arrange for examinations with the Independent Examination Board. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Installation of new electric fence at the NHLS Johannesburg Forensic Chemistry Laboratory. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of security services at Jessievale Plantation for three (3) months. Scope: (1) 1 x Security Guard Services at Jessievale Plantation (06H00 to 18H00); (2) 1 x Security Guard Services at Jessievale Plantation (06H00 to 18H00); (3) 2 x Security Guard Services at Jessievale Plantation (18H00 to 06H00); (4) 2 x Security Guard Services at Jessievale Plantation (18H00 to 06H00); (5) 3 x Machine Guard infield; (6) 1 x Supervisor Grade B with Vehicle. Please note that this quotation was published late. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Modimolle-Mookgophong Local Municipality is hereby inviting all suitable qualified service providers so submit quotations for the following: Supply, delivery and installation of air conditioners. Scope: • 4 x 480000 BTU under ceiling inverter R32 air conditioner 3PH air conditioner; • 1 x 18000 BTU air conditioner. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Sitatunga boundary wall. The scope of work measured in this tender document in broad terms comprises of the following: General building, electrical, glazing, plumbing, carpentry, civil, mechanical, fire systems etc. Department: FM. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to provide content editing of the business plan for the 2024-25 financial year. The scope of work comprises, but is not limited to: • Editing and proof reading of the content in English (content to be provided by JOSHCO); • Layout and Design of the 2024/25 Business Plan; • Concept design, and development of the report including designs of graphs, organograms, and financial statements; • Set-up images and illustrations; • Take 5 high/low resolution photographs of 5 projects with 1 being a drone arial photograph; • Delivery of 10 hard copies of the business plan; • Supply 2 x USBs with editable versions of the Power Point, PDF and Word formats. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS