Laboratory reagents (Oferta №97521192es)


País: Portugal
Idioma: EN PT
Número: 97521192
Fecha de publicación: 09-01-2024
Precio inicial del contrato: 295 815 (EUR)
Descripción del idioma original


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Acceso completo
Gases Fuente: TED

Fire-brigade and rescue services Fuente: TED

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: V1210 - Supply tie rod and tie rod ends vin - KL1TJ526X9B643182. Specification: - 2 x V1210 – Supply Tie Rod Vin – KL1TJ526X9B643182, - 2 x V1210 – Supply Tie Rod Ends Vin – KL1TJ526X9B643182. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

uThukela Water hereby requests quotations from suitable services providers to replace an inlet valve on the Ntshingwayo raw water pipeline at the Ngagane WPP. The scope of work includes the supply and delivery of a new valve, removal of existing valve, installation of the new valve on the Ntshingwayo raw water pipeline. Scope of work: 1. Remove existing damaged inlet valve, 2. Supply and install new valve and gaskets, 3. Supply new bolts, nuts and washers, 4. Commission pipeline. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: OHS legal compliance audit. Place where goods, works or services are required: 1 Landros Mare - Polokwane - Polokwane - 0700. Scope of work: - Legal compliance Audit for Occupational Health and Safety, - To be conducted by a certified OHS legal compliance auditor, - Two day audit per side - paperwork and inspection on site, Sites to be audited: - Flag Boshielo, - Marble Hall, - Politsi, - Nandoni, - Head Office, - Ebenezer, - Olifantspoort. Please note this quotation was published late. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

uThukela Water hereby requests quotations from suitable suppliers for the major servicing of the Hidrostal immersible pump at the Ngagane river pump station. Specification: 1. Strip Hidrostal immersible pump, inspect and measure all components, test motor stator core and windings, 2. Replace upper and lower bearings, 3. Replace upper and lower mechanical seals, 4. Replace o-rings, reset disc springs and lock ring, 5. Assemble pump and motor, 6. Replace cooling liquid, 7. Pressure test pump, 8. Install pump and commission. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS