MS-24-042 Procurement of Airtime Services to Provide Information, Promotion and Education support to the Development project and basic services of the Provincial Government utilizing the broadcast med (Oferta №105685136es)


País: Philippines
Idioma: UK
Número: 105685136
Fecha de publicación: 07-06-2024
Precio inicial del contrato: 3 597 (EUR)
Importe original: 208 000 (PHP)



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Acceso completo
MS-24-038 Procurement of Airtime Services to Provide Information, Promotion and Education support to the Development project and basic services of the Provincial Government utilizing the broadcast med Fuente: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system

MS-24-039 Procurement of Airtime Services to Provide Information, Promotion and Education support to the Development project and basic services of the Provincial Government utilizing the broadcast med Fuente: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system

Purchase of 1 unit Mechanical Pelletizer to be used for feed processing of grains, forages, fish meal and other feed materials for agriculture farm, livestock farm and poultry breeding farm (PR NO. 10 Fuente: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system

MS-24-040 Procurement of Airtime Services to Provide Information, Promotion and Education support to the Development project and basic services of the Provincial Government utilizing the broadcast med Fuente: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system

MS-24-041 Procurement of Airtime Services to Provide Information, Promotion and Education support to the Development project and basic services of the Provincial Government utilizing the broadcast med Fuente: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system

Purchase of 1 unit Desktop, 1 unit Laptop and 1 unit Portable Smart Mini Projector with built in battery to be used at APDRTF (PR NO. 100(01)24-02-0483) Fuente: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system