Request for the Provision of Graphic Design and Video Production Services (Oferta №82066247es)


País: Ireland
Idioma: IE
Número: 82066247
Fecha de publicación: 12-04-2023


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Acceso completo
Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Provision of services for a private section engagement plan to aid with curriculum development for the forestry sector in South Africa. Please confirm the closing date and time. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Expressions of Interest are hereby invited for the Provision of Armored 4x4 vehicles including after-sales support services. The required armoured vehicles will comprise of the following 3 categories: (a) VIP and General-Purpose Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) 4x4 for a minimum of five passengers with a payload of no less than 550 kg, upgraded suspension system to accommodate the additional weight of the armouring, and all off-road weather performance, combined with good highway characteristics. The vehicle must be certified to a minimum VR7 armouring protection level according to VPAM-BRV 2009 - Edition 3 - 2021 (VR7) or an equal protection level standard. The side, roof, and floor must also be certified to VPAM ERV 2009 - Edition 3 - 2021 (Side blast), VPAM ERV 2009 - Edition 3 - 2021 (DM51 blast), and VPAM ERV 2009 - Edition 3 - 2021 (DM31 blast), respectively, or to equal protection level standards. (b) Passenger-carrying vehicle 4x4 with a seating capacity of 10 - 12 passengers, including the driver, with upgraded front and rear suspensions to accommodate the additional weight of the armouring and all-weather off-road performance, combined with good highway characteristics. The vehicle must be certified to a minimum VR7 armouring protection level according to VPAM-BRV 2009 - Edition 3 - 2021 (VR7) or an equal protection level standard. The side, roof, and floor must also be certified to VPAM ERV 2009 - Edition 3 - 2021 (Side blast), VPAM ERV 2009 - Edition 3 - 2021 (DM51 blast), and VPAM ERV 2009 - Edition 3 - 2021 (DM31 blast), respectively, or to equal protection level standards. Draw bar trailers (Turntable type), for cargo, fuel and water with payloads between 10-18 tons. (c) Ambulances for emergency medical care to accommodate an emergency medical technician /paramedic and two litter patients, so positioned that the primary patient can be given intensive life-support during transit; equipment and supplies for emergency care at the scene, as well as during transport; and necessary equipment for light rescue/extrication procedures. The Ambulance must be fully armoured and certified in compliance with EN 1063, 1522, 1523 –CEN B6 ballistic level in all transparent and opaque areas, or a similar protection level specified by a recognized standard. Beneficiary Country/Territory: Global. Please confirm the closing time. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Looking for stainless steel i beams Fuente: Exportersindia


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Extension to LCCC Property 256 Deer Court, Carew Park, Limerick Fuente: eTenders - National database for public procurement