Census E-Learning Platform (Oferta №81463648es)


País: Ireland
Idioma: IE
Número: 81463648
Fecha de publicación: 02-04-2023


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Acceso completo
Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Service term contract: preventative maintenance, operation repairs and servicing of steam generator/boiler (DCS Rooigrond): for 36 months. Required at (Town Name): Rooigrond DCS. Please confirm the closing date. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for Minor repairs at Garankuwa Hub to accommodate Mabopane Hub employees for a period of three (3) months in Gauteng Cluster. Scope: The scope of work for this project will include: • Renovations of the existing Garankuwa HUB office area to accommodate Mabopane employees’ office area to expand it for extra customers since two Hubs will use same office to serve customers. • Renovations of a parkhome to be moved to Winterveld site to accommodate Mabopane employees’ office area. • Extending the parking area including re-drawing some parking lines. The scope of work includes the following: A. Outside Area: • Relocate a diamond mesh fence (20m); • Re-mark parking lines (18 cars); • Re-paint 8 covered carports steel structure; • Refurbish guard house (2 x 1.5m); • Remove palisade steel fence from Mabopane rented site and replace in Garankuwa Hub (30m); • Additional paving bricks for parking area - 50m². B. Office Area: • Supply and install 18 000 BTU air conditioner; • Remove glass door (2m) and make good; • Add a glass sliding door (2.5m); • Paint interior and ceilings (597m²); • Paint doors and frames (20); • Repair carpet tiles and replace where necessary; • Provide toilet seats. C. Parkhome: • Take out wall damaged kitchen wall and enclose bathroom cubicle, • Take out old air conditioners and use the additional wall that was taken out to repair the holes in the walls of 500mm by 400mm, • Take out all old showers, • Remove an existing toilet and install in the place of a shower area, • Replace toilet seats and flushing mechanisms, • Supply and replace existing 12000btu (9) aircon, • Repair and replace window blinds 650mm x 650mm, • Replace all door mechanisms and supply keys, check hinges and repair where necessary, • Replace indicator bolts in bathroom doors, • Remove and replace broken windows, match existing, • Remove damaged window handles and replace. D. Sundry Items: Electrical: • Supply and install extractor fans; • COC certificate; • Supply and install 5-liter Hydro boil; • Supply emergency lights and install; • Replace light fittings and install LED fluorescent lights, test plugs, switches and electrical DB and repair where necessary; • Supply and install 100W heavy duty flood lights. Plumbing: • Connect existing installations to main plumbing supply, supply and install new pipeline (waste), • Supply and install new gully for kitchen, • Digging and recovering of all trenches, • Supply and install Double sink and sink mixer incl. all fittings. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Service term contract: preventative maintenance, operation repairs and servicing of steam generator/boiler (DCS ODI): for 36 months. Required at (Town Name): ODI DCS. Please confirm the closing date. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Provision of Cleaning and Gardening Services for a 5-year period at Vanderkloof and Gariep Power Stations. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the Calibration of textile and thermal laboratory equipment as per the scope by a SANAS Accredited Calibration Laboratory, annually for 3 years. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Contract for the Provision of a Text Alert System to RCSI Hospitals Fuente: eTenders - National database for public procurement