Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C (Oferta №115168048es)


País: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Idioma: EN
Número: 115168048
Fecha de publicación: 01-12-2024


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Acceso completo
COMUNE DI BATTIPAGLIA - Appalto congiunto per la progettazione esecutiva ed esecuzione dei lavori relativi allintervento di manutenzione straordinaria degli immobili siti allinterno dello Stadio Pastena Investimenti 1.2 e 1.3.1. - CIG : B4672D73BC - CUP : B24H22000140006 Fuente: Comune di Bellizzi

COMUNE DI PONTECAGNANO FAIANO - Lavori di realizzazione di un impianto sportivo polifunzionale alla via Toscana - CIG : B47BBF1907 - CUP : F65B22000260005 Fuente: Comune di Bellizzi

Fuente: Central Procurement Technical Unit

Quotations are hereby invited for construction of a steel kitchen unit at Mangwazana High School as per specifications. Specifications: 6m x 4.8m x 2.5m Steel park house kitchen unit with veranda which must be mounted to the existing slab: • Installation: - Supply and install new kitchen cabinets, worktops and appliances; - Connect plumbing and electrical connection; - Install flooring, walls and ceiling finishes as required; • Electrical: - Install electrical supply as necessary; - Install new light, sockets and switches; - Connect appliance and equipment; • Plumbing: - Install plumbing supply as necessary; - Install new sink, tap and waste disposal; - Connect appliances and equipment; • Finishing touches: - Install skirting, architraves, and window boards; - Paint and decorate; - Install flooring and trim. Please confirm the closing date as two were published. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for the provision and installation of LAN firewall as per specifications. Scope: Provisioning and installation of two FortiGate 201F Series NGFWs, including licensing. Purpose: supply, provision and install a FortiGate 201F Series Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) at the perimeter. The installation and setup should cover the following: • Setup of 2 firewalls in high availability; • Static routes; • Policy Routes; • Firewall policies; • Address Objects; • Source NAT; • Destination NAT; • Security profiles and policies (AV, IPS, Web filtering, application control, etc.); • Authentication with AD for users; • IPsec VPN tunnels; • SSL VPN portals. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Formal written price quotations are hereby invited from a service provider for the refurbishment of the entrance (reception) x 01. Specifications: Refurbishment of the entrance on Lyell Street Foyer (Reception): - Fresh coat of paint; - Removal of wooden window at cashier; - Installation of white aluminium; - Floor polishing/washing to remove stains on the tile. Please confirm the closing date as two were published. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS