País: India
Idioma: EN
Número: 94446888
Fecha de publicación: 17-11-2023


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Acceso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Service to Air-conditioners, Qty: 12. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department: Department of Health. Division: Supply Chain Management. Place where goods/services is required: PMB Assessment and Therapy Centre. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of service providers for the supply, delivery and installation of intercom in MRH Casualty and Pharmacy. Specifications: 1. Cabinet: 4U wall mount x 4; 2. AMP: Amplifier (Pro/production quality) x 4; 3. Microphone: HQ dynamic desktop microphone (high quality) x 8; 4. Audio cable: 2 core low voltage cable (approximate 1000m) x 4; 5. Sundries: Cables, bolts etc x 1; 6. Trunking: 25 x 40mm (approximately 40m) x 1; 7. Speaker: 10W 6’ wall mount speakers x 18; 8. Labour: Installation, tuning, setup etc x 1; 9. Warranty: 1 year maintenance and warranty plan, include equipment replacement x 1. Please note that this quotation was published late. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Construction of (1 x 24m x 6m) turf cricket pitch at St Helena and Paternoster Cricket Fields. Scope: - Remove all topsoil from the area of the square (or the existing pitch); - Excavate out natural earth/existing pitch to a depth of at least 450 mm to Civil Engineering specification; - Rip and compact in-situ earth to 93% modified AASHTO; - Lay strip of 250-micron plastic down the edges of the excavation to prevent encroachment of invader grass species; - Add 100 mm thick layer of loam soil and mix in fertilizer as required by soil analysis. - A grid of levelling pegs is to be set out by the specialist contractor at two metre intervals with a longitudinal fall of 1:180 and a cross fall of 1:180. It is important to ensure that the pegs do not pierce the 250-micron plastic; - Roll in 150 mm thick clay in layers. A 100mm coarse bully soil is to be spread, lightly compacted and finished to an appropriate level; - A 50 mm layer of fine bully soil is to be spread and screeded to the final level of the grid pegs, ensuring that the desired surface finish and fall is achieved; - Prior to the commencement of grassing a true surface finish must be obtained; - Grass stolons (sprigs) of the species Cynodon dactylon (or latest approved grass species) are to be planted over the entire wicket (all wickets of “the square”) at a square spacing of 30mm apart. The planters must stand on wooden boards, or the like, whilst planting the stolons to ensure minimum disruption to the surface finish occurs; - The stolons must be inserted to the layer of topsoil/compost mixture to ensure adequate root development; - Add a thin layer of sieved bully to a depth of not more than 15 mm (sieve aperture of maximum 10 mm) over the grass and smooth; - Apply fertilizer and water twice daily with a fine nozzle spray until grass shown signs of sprouting; - The contractor shall maintain in good order, the whole of the works, for a period of six months after the certified completion of grass planting; - Continue to water until the grass has covered the pitch; - Once the grass has established, cut to 15 mm and rub in sieved (1.25 mm gauge screen) bully, to a smooth even surface, making sure that the grass tips protrude above the bully; - Water daily, as required, until the grass shoots push through; - Repeat the rubbing in process until a smooth even finish to the pitch has been achieved; - The final level of the pitch should be slightly above the surrounding field area; - Gradually work down the height of the grass to 6mm and the height of the grass is not to exceed 10mm between cuts; - Cutting to done with a 9-11 blade per cylinder cylindrical mower; - Hand weeding must be undertaken at least once a week for the first three months of maintenance; - Care must be taken to ensure that the surface levels are not disrupted excessively; - Compact with heavy roller to produce a hard-even surface [so that it is not possible to form depressions with fingers]. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS


Procurement of I.T. Equipment along with Server Room Fuente: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

Establishment of Prayer Area Admin Block at GC Women University Sialkot Fuente: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL