Maintenance & Repair (Oferta №88756300es)


País: India
Idioma: EN
Número: 88756300
Fecha de publicación: 07-08-2023


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Acceso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of 1363: Gen river sand, Type: D/M³ x 200 each. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a suitable service provider on JPC panel of contractors to repair water pumps and hydro boilers at the Jabulani Civic Centre. Specifications: 1. Repair water pumps x 3; 2. Main building ground floor (hydro boilers) x 1; 3. First floor x 1; 4. Second floor x 1; 5. Revenue x 1; 6. Containers x 1; 7. Council chamber, ground floor x 1; 8. First floor x 1; 9. Environmental Health x 2. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: HP652/653DN Black Toner CF450A; HP652/653DN Cyan Toner CF451A; HP652/653DN Magenta Toner CF453A; HP652/653DN Yellow Toner CF4512A. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of workshop equipment’s for SARAO. Specifications: 1. 35W G4 Halogen Bulbs, Qty: 4; 2. M6 tap set, Qty: 3; 3. M12 tap set, Qty: 2; 4. Boring Bar (TCMT) Right hand Item number - S12KSTFCR11 or equivalent, Qty: 1; 5. Boring Bar inserts (Size TCMT11) (One pack of 10 inserts), Qty: 1; 6. Boring Bar (MCLN) (Size 32mm) Item number - S32S-MCLNR or equivalent, Qty: 1; 7. Boring Bar Inserts (Size to fit MCLN Boring bar) (One pack of 10 Inserts), Qty: 1; 8. Grease Nipple, Conical, Shape A DIN71412A M8 x 1.25, Qty: 25; 9. Slim line cutting disc for angle grinder (115mm x 22.2mm x 1.5mm Thick) (Pack of 10), Qty: 2; 10. 450mm Platform Broom soft bristle, Qty: 2; 11. 305mm Academy soft broom, Qty: 3; 12. EVA Foam sheet 30m x 1000 x 500 (high density) or equivalent, Qty: 1; 13. EVA Foam sheet 15mm x 1000 x 500 (high density) or equivalent, Qty: 1; 14. EVA Foam sheet 5mm x 1000 x 500 (high density) or equivalent, Qty: 2. Location: SARAO Klerefontein Carnarvon Northern Cape. Please confirm the closing date. Please note that this quotation was published late. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of bus ticket rolls. Specifications: - Bus ticket rolls (37 x 70 x 13mm) x 1000. Please note that this quotation was published late. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Clamp repair T316 stainless steel O.D Range 167mm-176mm Clamp repair T316 stainless steel O.D Range 196mm-105mm, Clamp repair T316 stainless steel O.D Range 87mm-93mm. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS