SCR Construction Organization- Proposed doubling of track between Guntur - Guntakal Stations - Proposed laying and linking of BG double line, assembling and insertion of points & crossings, leading and dumping of stone ballast and execution of other miscellaneous works from Km:258.0 to Km:295.0 including proposed Nandyal and Betamcherla including proposed Panyam, Krishnammakona and Bugganipalli cement nagar stations. (Oferta №87914054es)


País: India
Idioma: EN
Número: 87914054
Fecha de publicación: 23-07-2023


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Open e-Tender for Repairs, maintenance and execution of all works including new works [i.e. General work, Wood works, Water Pipeline and sanitary works] of Service building, Circulating area, Platforms & Sheds, staff Qtrs. in the section of SSE/W/Barharwa under AEN/NEW FARAKKA in Zone No.08 for the period ending 30.06.2024. Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India

HAND BRAKE CABLE ASSEMBLY FOR 10 BRAKE Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India

Open e-Tender for Repairs, maintenance and execution of all works including new works [i.e. General work, Wood works, Water Pipeline and sanitary works etc.] of Service building, staff Qtrs. Circulating area, Platforms & Sheds etc. in the section of SSE/W/Jangipur Road under AEN/New Farakka in Zone No.07 for the period ending 30.06.2024. Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India

DRAIN COCK ASSEMBLY etc Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India

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