Purchase of Air conditioners (Oferta №84648510es)


País: India
Idioma: EN
Número: 84648510
Fecha de publicación: 23-05-2023


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Acceso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Building Maintenance: Broken windows at Newlands Main Station to be removed and replaced. Scope: • Please note that limited space is available in main station, bidders will therefore be required to work mainly from the outside. • Attention is drawn to the mesh grating over glass panels that would need to be removed and reinstated. • Remove existing broken window panes, clean out casement thoroughly and prepare for new pane installation. • Install new window panes as per manufacturers instructions and ensure that it is adequately sealed. • All installations to meet SABS standards. • Supply, transport to site, erect, keep maintained in good order, dismantle and remove from site appropriate scaffolding including rental of equipment. • Scaffolding and Safe Working Platforms to be in compliance with ICS 91.220 ISB ISBN 0-626-15672-6 SANS 10085-1: 2004 Edition 1.1 South African National Standard, the design, erection, use and inspection of access scaffolding Part 1: steel access scaffolding. • Scaffolding erection and inspection to be built, supervised and signed off by competent, certified persons in compliance with the above mentioned standard. • Touch-ups to plaster and paintwork might be required. • Make good on finishes on entire construction. • Safety file to be handed in on completion of project. • All waste to be removed from site. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Refurbishment of the Northern Wastewater Treatment Works (NWWTW): Water & Sanitation Unit. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Corporate Merchandise: - 1,000 activity unit x supply & deliver W&S logo vehicle decals; - 1,000 each x supply & deliver no. 0 decal; - 1,000 each x supply & deliver no. 1 decal; - 2,000 each x supply & deliver no. 2 decal; - 1,000 each x supply & deliver no. 3 decal; - 1,000 each x supply & deliver no. 4 decal; - 1,000 each x supply & deliver no. 5 decal; - 1,000 each x supply & deliver no. 6 decal; - 1,000 each x supply & deliver no. 7 decal; - 3,000 each x supply & deliver no. 8 decal; - 1,000 each x supply & deliver no. 9 decal; - 3,000 each x supply & deliver letter (w) decal. Delivery Date: 2023/06/15, Delivery To: Jakkie Breytenbach Maintenance Plant, Delivery Address: 04 Corner Talana Road and Sacks Circle, Bellville South. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Lejweleputswa District Municipality hereby requests quotations from reliable and reputable service provider to supply, deliver and install 15 X 42 framed marquee for GBV and Femicide Programme at Nala Local Municipality. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Procurement of Stationary Items under Aspire Programme Fuente: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

Procurement of IT Equipments for office of Director Internal Audit Wing during Financial Year 2022-23 Fuente: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL