Restoration of roads under the jurisdiction of PMGSY Division Reasi on emergency basis (i.e) by way of clearance of Snow/snow bound slips and other allied works likely to occur during financial year 2023-24 TOTAL LENGTH 51.20 KMS (Oferta №81493075es)


País: India
Idioma: EN
Número: 81493075
Fecha de publicación: 04-04-2023


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Acceso completo
Restoration of roads under the jurisdiction of PMGSY Division Reasi on emergency basis (i.e) by way of clearance of Snow/snow bound slips and other allied works likely to occur during financial year 2023-24 TOTAL LENGTH 19.525 KMS Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India

Restoration of roads under the jurisdiction of PMGSY Division Reasi on emergency basis (i.e) by way of clearance of Snow/snow bound slips and other allied works likely to occur during financial year 2023-24 TOTAL LENGTH 55.00 KMS Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India

Restoration of roads under the jurisdiction of PMGSY Division Reasi on emergency basis (i.e) by way of clearance of Snow/snow bound slips and other allied works likely to occur during financial year 2023-24 TOTAL LENGTH 82.111 KMS Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India

Restoration of roads under the jurisdiction of PMGSY Division Reasi on emergency basis (i.e) by way of clearance of Snow/snow bound slips and other allied works likely to occur during financial year 2023-24 TOTAL LENGTH 42.845 KMS Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India

procurement of M/S Rexroth make consumable items for main turbine Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India

Restoration of roads under the jurisdiction of PMGSY Division Reasi on emergency basis (i.e) by way of clearance of Snow/snow bound slips and other allied works likely to occur during financial year 2023-24 TOTAL LENGTH 60.27 KMS Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India