Sehri and Aftari Security Staff and Binding Material for Library (Oferta №78753566es)


País: India
Idioma: EN
Número: 78753566
Fecha de publicación: 28-02-2023


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Acceso completo
South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) is soliciting proposals for direct internet service and the solution must offer corporate grade internet breakout via fibre connectivity from Datacentre locations at the SANRAL Head Office Primary Datacenter and Secondary Datacenter for a period of 60 months. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of operation identification cards x 200 pkts. Specifications: - Printed one side only in black ink; - Size: 50mm x 188mm, 23-26401; - Perforated: 62mm and 125mm from left hand edge, not folded; - Board: Eltoro Litho, 200gsm, punch 2 holes; - All items to be boxed; - Packaging: Box of 20 packets (Packet of 250 units). Contract Period: Once off. Required at: RK Khan Hospital. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department: Department of Health. Division or Section: Central Supply Chain Management. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of batteries for the port of Cape Town on an as and when required basis for a period of thirty-six (36) months. Scope: 1. 695 n9 Varta or equivalent, Qty: 76; 2. 686 k10 Varta or equivalent, Qty: 72; 3. 696 m19 Varta or equivalent, Qty: 60; 4. 680/3, 12V 120Ah Willard or equivalent, Qty: 200; 5. 638 e24 70a/h R1510, Qty: 12; 6. 686 K10 Varta or equivalent, Qty: 168; 7. VRLA-max 14.8V, 12V, 95Ah, 850A (EN), Qty: 8; 8. 12V, 225Ah, 1150A (EN), Qty: 12; 9. 12V, 105AH, R. C180min, Qty: 20. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement of Tender Number: MPGXC006878. Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Installation of 30 mill liners at Majuba Power station. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Repair and maintenance of water purification (ARC-TSC) Nelspruit. Specifications: 1. Repair and maintenance of water purification plant existing perimeter fence flatwrap 700mm x 15m, quantity 100. Delivery address: Name of institute: Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops, ARC-ITSC, Corner of Bosch Street and Kanyamazane Rd R2296, Mbombela. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Procurement of 190 units Wireless Base Station Antennas Fuente: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL