invitation to bid (Oferta №78031813es)

País: India
Idioma: EN
Número: 78031813
Fecha de publicación: 16-02-2023


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Acceso completo
Erratum: Please note the closing date has changed. Suitable qualified service providers are hereby invited to submit bids for the following: Provision of traffic management system, including the collection of traffic fines and the supply of digital and red-light cameras and related services for a duration of three (3) years. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fleet: Light and Medium Vehicle Spares: Faulty brakes: - 1 each x Supply front disc pads (set), - 2 each x Supply front brake discs, - 2 each x Supply front wheel bearings kits, - 2 each x Supply rear brake wheel cylinders, (25.4mm or 1 Inch), - 1 each x Supply rear brake shoes (set), - 2 each x Supply rear brake drums, Type of vehicle and the model: CA660288 Isuzu KB250D LDV 2014; VIN/serial no: ADMHSRCR6C4703324. Delivery date: 2023/05/17. Delivery to: Michael Solid Waste. Delivery address: 1 Bamboesvlei Road, Ottery. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fleet: Small and Medium Plant Spares Pro: Supply spares brush cutter TK 2022; Reg. No/Type/Model: 700283721; Vin no: Notification: 901924457. Delivery date: 2023/02/24. Delivery to: Fleet Mechanical Workshop. Delivery address: 33 Reed Street, Bellville. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

IMERYS Refractory Minerals Cyferfontein extends an invite to prospective suppliers to tender for the provision of security services at their Cyferfontein Mine in Modimolle for a period of 24 months. Purpose: The advert is intended to inform interested service providers of an opportunity to tender for the provision of security services at Cyferfontein Mine. Please confirm the closing date and time as it was not published. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

成武县大田集镇冷藏仓库项目竞争性磋商公告 Fuente: CCGP

宝鸡市渭滨区林政管理所林长制智慧云平台竞争性磋商公告 Fuente: CCGP