Estimate for PS to 1 No 5HP Pump connection Applicant Mr. Daryab singh s/o bheekam singh applied for P.S.1x5HP pump connection under KMY scheme village malakpur under ganjdc (Oferta №115677146es)


País: India
Idioma: EN
Cliente: eProcurement System Government of Madhya Pradesh
Número: 115677146
Fecha de publicación: 09-12-2024


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Proposals are hereby invited for the procurement of a library registration system and a time and attendance system with unlimited users licensed for 12 months. Scope: The capabilities of the Library Registration System include: - User Registration Module: • Capture essential user information such as name, membership ID, date, and time of visit; • Support walk-in and pre-registered users. Database Management: • Centralized storage for user data; • Ensure data backup and security protocols are in place. Attendance Tracking: • Record entry and exit times of users; • Support real-time monitoring of user count in the library. Reporting Features: • Daily, weekly, and monthly attendance reports; • Trends and analytics on library usage. System Accessibility: • A user-friendly interface for both library staff and visitors; • Mobile and desktop compatibility. The objectives of the Library Registration System include: • Efficient Registration: Enable smooth, quick, and user-friendly daily registration; • Accurate Data Management: Collect and manage user data securely and accurately for administrative purposes; • User Tracking: Facilitate tracking of user visits for better understanding of usage patterns and capacity planning; • Reporting and Analysis: Generate reports on daily attendance for operational insights; • The bidder should propose all the hardware required for the solution to operate successfully and provide optimal performance. This includes, but is not limited to, computer hardware, tablets, cameras and monitors. The solution should also incorporate time and attendance management as it is critical for ensuring productivity, accountability and compliance. Core Features: • Biometric, RFID, or mobile app-based clock-in/out functionality; • Real-time tracking of employee attendance. Data Analytics and Reporting: • Generate detailed reports on attendance, absenteeism, and overtime. Integration Capabilities: • Compatible with existing HR and payroll systems; • API support for third-party applications. User Experience: • Employee self-service portal for attendance and leave tracking; • Admin dashboard for HR and management staff. A modern Time and Attendance System aims to replace traditional manual processes with an automated solution that tracks employee work hours, leaves, and attendance patterns efficiently and securely. Objectives of time and attendance include: • Streamlined Tracking: Automate the recording of employee work hours and attendance; • Compliance: Ensure adherence to labor laws and NLSA policies regarding time management. • Data Accuracy: Minimize human errors and fraud associated with manual attendance tracking; • Integration: Seamlessly integrate with payroll and HR systems for efficient processing; • Employee Self-Service: Empower employees to view their attendance. The solution must be implemented at the client"s three sites – Pretoria Campus, Cape Town Campus and Centre for the Book. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS


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