Construction of 820 RMT PACCA WALL 6 Feet Height LHS side along boundary of forest block for Protection of forest land Kanas Banseli Tilora, Pushkar (Oferta №115084065es)


País: India
Idioma: EN
Cliente: eProcurement System Government of Rajasthan
Número: 115084065
Fecha de publicación: 29-11-2024


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Nottinghamshire Healthy Families Programme 2025 Fuente: Contracts Finder

SONI036 Creative Design and Marketing Servicves Fuente: Contracts Finder

Obvestilo o objavi razpisa za eno prosto mesto okrožnega državnega tožilca in dve prosti mesti okrajnega državnega tožilca na Okrožnem državnem tožilstvu v Mariboru Fuente: Služba Vlade Republike Slovenije za razvoj in evropsko kohezijsko politiko

Construction of CC drain at Green Land Colony Bandipora Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India

Quotations are hereby invited for the repairs and refurbishment of document storage containers. Scope of work: • Remove all containers on site for repairs. • Repair all damaged areas in the containers. • Replace damaged container floors. • Supply and installation of internal heavy-duty anti slip floor rubber mat for all containers. • Supply and install extraction fans and each container must have 4 extractors. • Paint all containers in and outside. • Brand all three containers with Logo. N/B: each container must be branded on both sides Logo sample. • Supply and install LED solar lights for all three containers. • All three document containers must be water proved. • Front doors must have steel stairs. • All containers must have painted front steel rain shelter. • All containers must have 2 years workmanship warrantee (provide document as proof). Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby requested for the appointment of a panel of assessors to conduct the assessments on the client"s registered contractors and/or their nominated representatives for a period 3 years. Scope of works: The appointed panel of Assessment of Prior Learning (APL) Assessors will be expected to undertake assessments as follows but not limited to the following considerations: 1. Use a standardised database of questions that has been developed by the client to assess the competence of contractors and/or their nominated representatives, 2. The Assessor must assess contractors to determine if they meet the minimum competence requirements as identified in the standard, 3. Each set of questions will include the following: 3.1. A detailed case study of simulated real-life construction conditions as a scenario, 3.2. Prescribed questions based on the scenario, 3.3. Model responses to the question, 3.4. Indications of further questions that may be used to cross check the response; and 4. A description of the critical areas covered by each scenario, 5. The Assessor must assess contractors or their nominated representatives for their integration of knowledge, skills and experience required to run a construction contracting enterprise. The assessor must be: (a) Objective, (b) Fair, (c) Transparent, (d) Systematic, (e) Flexible, (f) Impartial. (g) Confidential, (h) Reliable; and (i) Consistent, 6. The successful service providers will be expected to conduct the assessments, submit assessment reports, evaluate and review the APL tools and support the client in a workshop for the review of the assessment protocols with a panel of industry experts, 7. All Assessors must sign the the client"s APL Assessor Code of Conduct, 8. Bidders must indicate the provinces that they are willing to participate in and the names of the assessors as well as the area they intend assessing. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS