FDR/RWS schemes at Amarpur under Gomati District Tripura/SH-Restoration of water supply schemes in/c maintenance of PVC, CI, DI, GI pipeline, washing of pipeline, fitting fixing of sluice valves, tyton collars etc, mtc of SBDTW, IRP in/c replacement (Oferta №111101715es)


País: India
Idioma: EN
Cliente: eProcurement System of Government of Tripura
Número: 111101715
Fecha de publicación: 20-09-2024


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Acceso completo
FDR/Mtc. Of road from U-A road (Maharani Fish Market) to Chaigaria S.B. School during the year 2024-25/ SH- Construction of RCC Retaining wall and CC Drain near the house of Biplab Kunda Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India

FDR of the PWD road from Madhya Singhacherra to Barabagai L3.45 KM from Ch.2.00 km to 3.45 km under PWD RandB Khowai Subdivision during the year 2024 2025 SH Re carpeting Seal coat Protection work CD work Drain work etc.Gr II Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India

Running and maintenance of RWS Schemes/FDR under Karbook RD Block, Gomati District, Tripura/SH-Repairing and maintenance of existing pipeline by remodelling, shifting and repairing of pipeline leakage in/c fitting and fixing of CI sluice valve etc at Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India

FDR of the PWD road from Madhya Singhacherra to Barabagai L 3.45 KM from Ch.0.00 km to 2.00 km under PWD RandB Khowai Sub division during the year 2024 2025 SH Recarpeting Seal coat Protection work CD work Drain work etc.Gr I Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India

Running and maintenance of RWS Schemes/FDR under Silachari RD Block, Gomati District, Tripura/SH-Repairing and maintenance of existing pipeline by remodelling, shifting and repairing of pipeline leakage in/c fitting and fixing of CI sluice valve etc Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India

Installation of SBDTW at the office of the Director of Horticulture and SC Agartala Fuente: Central public Procurement portal India