Elektroarbeiten Nieder- und MIttelspannungsanlagen sowie Fernmelde- und informationstechnische Anlagen nach DIN 18382 DigitalPakt Schule-6.Paket 6.1 - Grundschule in Ihringshausen (Oferta №99283389es)


País: Germany
Idioma: DE
Número: 99283389
Fecha de publicación: 08-02-2024


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  • La mayor base de datos de licitaciones y fuentes de adquisiciones en Rusia y el mundo
  • Envío diario gratuito según su configuración
  • Información sobre los ganadores de las licitaciones en el formato que necesita
  • Cómoda visualización y carga de información



Registro en el sitio, después de lo cual las siguientes funciones del sitio estarán disponibles para usted:

  • Suscríbase a listas de correo gratuitas para sus frases clave
  • Ver anuncios de licitación
  • Exportar información resumida en formato Excel
  • Ver parte de la información sobre los ganadores, proveedores y clientes de las licitaciones


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  • Tarifa seleccionada
  • Paga por el acceso de cualquiera de las formas posibles

Acceso completo
Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provisioning of graphic design for a period of 12 months. Scope: Graphic Design Services: - To design banners and graphics for KZNLA communications campaigns, upcoming events, announcements, notices etc. to be uploaded on the homepage of the website and social media platforms (as and when required); - Propose innovative ideas and present the layout idea to ILO, discuss on the proposed layout and incorporate feedback; - Design and layout the documents based on the agreed mock up; - Design newsletter and assist with content development; - To be able to create cartoons skits; - Quotations to be based on an hourly rate for the graphic design service. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Printing and cover design of SIC material course material. Scope of work: Design and layout - The cover must be changed to 2024: a. Design/Rebrand the Outer Covers and Inner Title Pages for the Learner Guide, Assessor Guide, Assessment File/POE, and Mentor Guide/Learner Workbook; b. Rebrand the following handout covers; - Assignments, Tests, Interviews, and Observation. Printing: a. Print - Learner Guide, 300 pages x 50 copies (purr bound); b. Print - Assessor Guide, 56 Pages x 5 copies (saddle–stitched); c. Print Facilitator Guide x 5 copies (saddle-stitched); d. Print - Assessment File/POE, 50 pages x 20 copies (only punched); e. Print - Mentor Guide & Learner Workbook 76 pages x 40 copies (saddle-stitched and punched). Your quote should also include the following elements: a. Textbook size - A4; b. Colour covers - 250g matt art; c. Book contents - 100g bond (black only). Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of chairs. Specifications: - Facet ergonomic chairs x 02; - Mi-ergo regent mesh back visitors chairs x 03. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

WLAN-Verkabelung - Campus Klinikum Stuttgart Fuente: iTWO tender

Schreiner-Möblierung BA I Fuente: iTWO tender

Lose Möblierung BAI Fuente: iTWO tender