Bodenbelagsarbeiten, Marineoperationsschule Bremerhaven (V0742/2023) (Oferta №97403624es)


País: Germany
Idioma: DE
Número: 97403624
Fecha de publicación: 05-01-2024


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Acceso completo
Quotations are hereby invited from service providers for the supply and delivery of soft drinks for 2 months at uShaka Marine World. Specifications: 1. Cappy Still Apple, size: 330ml, unit: case of 24; 2. Cappy Still Breakfast Blend, size: 330ml, unit: case of 24; 3. Cappy Still Orange, size: 330ml, unit: case of 24; 4. Cappy Still Orange-Mango, size: 330ml, unit: case of 24; 5. Valpré Sparkling Glass Bottle, size: 750ml, unit: case of 12; 6. Valpré Still Glass Bottle, size: 750ml, unit: case of 12; 7. Water Valpré Sparkling, size: 500ml, unit: case of 24; 8. Water Valpré Sparkling Glass Bottle, size: 350ml, unit: case of 24; 9. Water Valpré Still, size: 500ml, unit: case of 24; 10. Water Valpré Still Glass Bottle, size: 350ml, unit: case of 24; 11. Appletiser, size: 275ml, unit: case of 24; 12. Appletiser, size: 330ml, unit: case of 24; 13. Coca-Cola Bottle, size: 2 Litre, unit: case of 6; 14. Coca-Cola Can, size: 300ml, unit: case of 24; 15. Coke Zero, size: 2.25 Litre, unit: case of 6; 16. Coke Zero, size: 330ml, unit: case of 24; 17. Cream Soda, size: 2 Litre, unit: case of 6; 18. Cream Soda, size: 300ml, unit: case of 24; 19. Dry Lemon, size: 200ml, unit: case of 24; 20. Fanta Orange, size: 300ml, unit: case of 24; 21. Ginger ale, size: 200ml, unit: case of 24; 22. Graptiser Red, size: 330ml, unit: case of 24; 23. Graptiser Red, size: 275ml, unit: case of 24; 24. Lemonade 200ml, size: 200ml, unit: case of 24; 25. Powerade Jagged ice, size: 500ml, unit: case of 24; 26. Powerade Mountain Blast, size: 500ml, unit: case of 24; 27. Powerade Nartjie, size: 500ml, unit: case of 24; 28. Twist Granadilla, size: 2 Litre, unit: case of 6; 29. Soda Water, size: 200ml, unit: case of 24; 30. Sprite, size: 2 Litre, unit: case of 6; 31. Sprite, size: 300ml, unit: case of 24; 32. Sprite Zero, size: 330ml, unit: case of 24; 33. Stoney Ginger Beer, size: 2 Litre, unit: case of 6; 34. Stoney Ginger Beer, size: 300ml, unit: case of 24; 35. Tonic, size: 200ml, unit: case of 24; 36. Monster Energy Drink, size: 500ml, unit: case of 24; 37. Predator Energy Drink, size: 500ml, unit: case of 24; 38. Reboost Energy Drinks, size: 500ml, unit: case of 24. Delivery expected within 48hours after receipt of order. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

雅砻江孟底沟水电站安全生产标准化二级达标评审及融合-穿透-包保安全管理责任体系研究公开招标公告 Fuente:

Out of Hours Telephone Service Fuente: Sell2Wales – Government´s Initiative

mo­bi­les Kü­chen­mo­dul für den Brand- und Ka­ta­stro­phen­schutz des LK GER Fuente:

Herstellung und Lieferung von Flanschen mit beigestelltem Material nach DESY-Zeichnugnen und Spezifikationen (4100802) Fuente:

Schleißwand für Kreiselpumpe Fuente: