Zukunftsfähige Schulen Gütersloh, VE31 Innentüren, GS Josef, 3-JSF-2 (Oferta №83786154es)


País: Germany
Idioma: DE
Número: 83786154
Fecha de publicación: 09-05-2023


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Acceso completo
Purchasing (1) Masur Dal as per sample (Pulses) (2) Edible Oil (3) Wheat Crushing (4) Fire Wood (5) High Quality Sugar (6) General Transport of Ration commodities (7) Porter Works (Ration commodities loading & unloading) & (8) Pilau Rice (As per Tender Documents). Fuente: Central Procurement Technical Unit

Газрын мониторингийн сүлжээний тариалан, хот тосгон газрын мониторингийн 350 цэгт газрын төлөв байдал, чанарын улсын хянан баталгааны ажлыг хийх Fuente: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (hereinafter “Eskom”) invites you to submit a tender for the following: Kusile Power Station operations and monitoring of sewage treatment plant for a period of 5 years. This scope of work covers all the requirements needed for operation and monitoring of plant parameters on a 24 hour basis for the duration of the contract. The areas within the scope are as follows: a) Inlet bar screen; b) Raw sewage pump station; c) Main sewage treatment plant; d) Drying beds; e) Effluent discharge flow meter. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Tender for the Purchase of Hospital Equipment and Instruments approved ADP scheme titled “Establishment of 12 Mobile Service Units”2022-23 Fuente: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

Purchase of Air Conditioner for Approved ADP Scheme of Population Welfare Department, Punjab for the Financial year, 2022-23 ( Fuente: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

Tender Notice Of Director Communication and Extension L&DD 16-Cooper Road Lahore Punjab (Printing Of Departmental Literature and Folders for Farmer"s Awareness) Fuente: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL