Elektroarbeiten - Außenleitung / Leitungszug - Wilhelmsburgkaserne Ulm (24-21618) (Oferta №117632637es)


País: Germany
Idioma: DE
Número: 117632637
Fecha de publicación: 20-01-2025


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Acceso completo
Tenders are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of cold mix asphalt and road marking paints for the period of three years "on as and when required basis". Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal Written Quotations are hereby requested from suitable service providers for the supply and delivery of office furniture. Specifications: - Zambezi medium back office chair, Qty: 1; - Office Desk, Qty: 1; - Zambezi Visitor’s chair, Qty: 1; - Roller Door Cabinet, Qty: 1. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the appointment of a suitably qualified service provider to conduct probity audit in respect to a tender to be awarded (94 tender documents). Leadtime 3 to 4 days. Scope of work: The appointed service provider will be required to review of Tender process, on an as-and-when required basis, which includes the following: a) Compliance with the applicable SCM Legislative Framework, b) Compliance with the Bid Specifications Committee (BSC) / Bid Evaluation Committee (BEC), c) Review of the Bid Specification document, Bid Evaluation documents (including the submitted 94 tender documents by all the bidders). Compile a report based on the tender process followed from (BSC and BEC), Submit a Probity Audit for BAC, d) Present the Probity Final Audit to the Bid Adjudication Committee, The above (item a - d) to be completed within 3 - 4 working days for 94 documents. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Written quotations are hereby invited to supply a 22Kv current transformer with multi ratios. Specifications: - 400/5, - Insulation test, - Ratio test, - Magnetizing test, - Qty: 09. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Written quotations are hereby invited to construct a 1kkV overhead line. Specifications: - Supply poles, stay, guy grips, stays support and tension, - Isolators, - String mink conductor, - Test insulation, - Qty: 1. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Sanitär- und Heizungsinstallation Fuente: eVergabe.de