Lieferung von 2 mobilen Geschwindigkeitsmessanlagen (Oferta №115456638es)


País: Germany
Idioma: DE
Número: 115456638
Fecha de publicación: 05-12-2024


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Acceso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the offloading of waste trucks rubbish, qty: 1. Fleet item details: - V Number: V1293, - Registration Number: NRB 73940, - Vin Number: ADMFVZ34R8Z723371, - Description: Isuzu FVZ 1600 Crew Cab 6 x 4 Comp Rotopress, - Year model: 2017. Scope of works: - Remove waste rubbish from inside broken down compactor (no engine), - List of vehicles to be attended to V0434, V0445, V0443, V1397, V1395 and V1293, - Use hydraulic power pack to pump hydraulic oil onto system for easy offloading, - Please note, some of hydraulic system pipes are removed from trucks and some are leaking hydraulic oil, - 2 trucks do not have tail gates and some of them need to be opened (tail gates). Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for appointment of a service provider for the removal/transportation of furniture from Benoni Gauteng to King Williams Town as per specification to the client. Scope: • The Furniture must be transported from Benoni, Gauteng to King Williamstown on 20 January 2025; • The items will be transported from Benoni, Gauteng to the residence of the appointed official in King Williamstown. Please note that this RFQ was published late. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement of contract number: WMM-LM 25/10/24 RMS&R &PGCA: Bids are hereby invited for repairs and maintenance, supply and replace and procurement of grass cutting accessories. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the Service Provider to Service and Repair of Gorman Rupp Pump for St Matthews High School. Specifications: - Service and repair of Gorman-Rupp CO pump, 380V, 50Hz, 4kw, 7.88 Amps, BE84278 x 1; - New Fenner coupler for the Gorman-Rupp pump motor x 1. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Vergabe zur Lieferung von 2 Stück PKW Fuente:

MS1 47 Räume Medientechnische Installation Fuente: