Erweiterung Flüchtlingsunterkunft Seestr.: Erd- und Rohbauarbeiten (Oferta №104787892es)


País: Germany
Idioma: DE
Número: 104787892
Fecha de publicación: 21-05-2024


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Acceso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Microsoft 365 & Azure AD renewal licensing. Specifications: Renewal and upgrade of: 1. Microsoft 365 E1 licenses - Plan 1 x 75, 2. Microsoft 365 E3 licenses - Plan 1 x 25, 3. Microsoft Exchange Online licenses - Plan 1 x 100, 4. Microsoft Azure Active Directory license x 1, 5. Microsoft SharePoint online renewal, 6. Microsoft Visio renewal license (retail) x 3, 7. Microsoft PowerBI x 5. Please note this quotation was published late. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to conduct skills audit project of the institution’s work force for the University of Venda. Scope of Services This brief is for a Service Provider to develop and deliver a Skills Audit project of the University of Venda’s workforce and make recommendations on strategies to address skills gaps. It is expected that the Service Provider will provide advice on the best research methodology to achieve the project objectives. The term of the contract will be on a once-off basis. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Reinigung von Kunststoff-Sportflächen Fuente:

Standortschießanlage Munster-Nord, Instandsetzung Holzverkleidung Stand AIV, Neubau einer Holzverkleidung an Höhenblenden Fuente:

BBS Melle / Fassadensanierung Gebäude F (Fachschule Holztechnik) - Trockenbauarbeiten Fuente:

24A10144 - Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Braunschweig, Sicherheitstechnik, NEB1, Kalibrierlabor - Elektrotechnische Installation eines Laborgebäudes mit vorhergehender Demontage Fuente: