TS Kelbra, Entwicklung Fließgeschwindigkeit Nebenhelme, Wasserbauarbeiten 3. BA (Oferta №103739158es)


País: Germany
Idioma: DE
Número: 103739158
Fecha de publicación: 30-04-2024


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Acceso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Tools & Machinery: 1 each x Polisher 1400W Professional. Features: Best work results with constant speed thanks to electronic regulation of speed, even under load, Direct cooling. For high overload capability and a long service life Prevents autonomous restart of the tool after power blackout. Only through new, conscious activation will the tool be ready to use. Best work results with speed pre-selection for applications requiring material-specific speed. Soft start as the load and torque of the motor are temporarily reduced during start-up. Long lifetime of the tool as the tool shuts off in case of an extreme overload situation. Specifications: Rated input power 1,400 W, No-load speed 750 # 3000 rpm, Power Output 800 W, Grinding spindle thread M 14, Rubber sanding plate, diameter 180 mm, Wire cup brush, diameter 100 mm, Cup wheel, diameter 180 mm, Polishing sponge, diameter 160 mm, Surface brush, diameter 175 mm, Weight 2.5 kg. Delivery Date: 2024/05/24. Delivery to CS - Open Space & Nature Conservation CSON. Delivery Address: CSON, Cape Town. Please note that this quotation was published late. Please confirm the closing date. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Tools & Machinery: Contact testers. Specifications: - 5 each x High voltage contact testers: HVD32AC:11/33kV - IEC 61243-1 for capacitive - must meet the latest IEC standards - incl of case. Delivery Date: 2024/05/17, Delivery To: Electricity - Mitchells Plain RED1 Plant, Delivery Address: Cnr Silversands & Eisleben Roads, Mitchells Plain. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Tischlerarbeiten DIN 18355 - Holztürelemente (24-67122) Fuente: eVergabe.de

LVR-Klinik Bonn - Umbau OLK, 2. BA Putzleistungen Fuente: eVergabe.de

Reinigung von Stauraumkanälen und Becken B42 Fuente: eVergabe.de

Instandsetzung Gebäudehülle in 98587 Steinbach-Hallenberg - Los 08 Rohbau- und Tiefbauarbeiten Fuente: eVergabe.de