Neubau Freizeitbad - Sportpark Rheinhöhe, Wiesbaden (Oferta №101006935es)


País: Germany
Idioma: DE
Número: 101006935
Fecha de publicación: 09-03-2024


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Acceso completo
Ugu District Municipality invites quotations for the following: Supply and delivery of tools. Specifications: 1. Grass slashers - Lasher/equivalent x 10; 2. Shovels - round nose - Lasher/equivalent x 10; 3. Plastic rakes - Lasher/equivalent x 9; 4. PVC pipe cutter - Rigid/equivalent x 7; 5. Pick handles - plastic Lasher/equivalent x 10; 6. Pick heads - Lasher/equivalent x 10; 7. Cane knives - Lasher/equivalent x 20; 8. 50mm tie- down heavy duty with ratchet x 20; 9. Combination spanner 36mm - Gedore/equivalent x 12; 10. Combination ratchet spanner 32mm x 36mm - Gedore/equivalent x 4; 11. Combination spanner 32mm - Gedore/equivalent x 12; 12. Combination spanner 30mm - Gedore/equivalent x 12; 13. 25mm-tie-down heavy duty with ratchet x 28; 14. Hacksaw blades (24 teeth) x 100; 15. 200mm shifting spanner - Gedore/equivalent x 1; 16. Cascade comb. Ratch span 19/24 x 4; 17. 19mm combination spanner - Gedore/equivalent x 2; 18. Combination spanner 17mm - Gedore/equivalent x 12; 19. Pipe wrenches 150mm - Gedore/equivalent x 1; 20. Transmission oil 20L x 2; 21. Hydraulic oil 20L x 4; 22. Batteries R6 x 40; 23. Q20 spray 340ml x 10; 24. Dash 200ml spray x 15; 25. 25mm paint brushes - Kinghorn/equivalent x 5; 26. Paint brush 100mm - Kinghorn/equivalent x 1. Deliver to Park Rynie Stores-PRN, No 2 Preston Road. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Design, production and testing of expansion joints for cryogenic tubing of SIS100 interconnections and end caps Fuente:

Modernisierung und Teilsanierung der Therme Obernsees (Badewelt BA04.01 und Saunabereich BA04.02) Fuente:

B96, AS Rangsdorf - Berlin, Statische Untersuchung zur Umrüstung der FRS auf 4 Bauwerken Fuente:

IGS Embsen Neubau Sportbereich - Gewerk Lüftung Fuente:

REZ SW Rehaint Fuente: