Типографские услуги и связанные с ними услуги (Oferta №86548525es)


País: Georgia
Idioma: GE
Número: 86548525
Fecha de publicación: 28-06-2023
Precio inicial del contrato: 28 530


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Acceso completo
Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a Panel of Security Service Providers to deploy Security Guards on an "as and when" required basis; and also for emergency requirements/services when required for a period of three (03) years, at the Northern Cape Province. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of 50 desktop computers and accessories. Scope of work: - Procurement of desktop computers with the intention of enabling users to continue with service delivery. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of PPE. Specifications: 1. PW Utility Black boot: - Sizes: 2 X 10; - Sizes: 1 X 7. 2. PW AT 18+ Men"s Brown shoe: - Sizes: 1 X 10; - Sizes: 1 X 7. 3. NEP Shova Black gumboot: - Sizes: 1 X 10; - Sizes: 1 X 9; - Sizes: 1 X 7. 4. Jonsson Polycotton Blue work trousers: - Sizes: 2 X 32; - Sizes: 6 X 34. 5. Jonsson Polycotton Blue work jacket: - Sizes: 4 X Medium; - Sizes: 4 X Medium. 6. Legendary short sleeve shirt: - Sizes: 2 X Small; - Sizes: 2 x XXXL. 7. Jonsson Super Strength multi pocket shorts: - Sizes: 2 X 30; - Sizes: 2 X 42. Required at: ARC - Animal Production, Agricultural Research Council, Cedara Agricultural College, Cedara Road, Hilton, KZN, 324. Please confirm the closing time as two were published. Please confirm the contract number as two were published. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Onderstepoort Biological Products invites service providers from suitably registered companies for the following: dry ice as per specifications. Specifications: 1600 x 10kg boxes, 1 box = 24h, 2 boxes = 48h, 3 boxes = 72h. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Инженерные услуги Fuente: Единой Электронной Системе Государственных Закупок

Машины, оборудование и канцелярские принадлежности, за исключением компьютеров, принтеров и мебели Fuente: Единой Электронной Системе Государственных Закупок