The Suboffice - the Border Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia (Georgia CSTMR№1167289): contactos, dirección, correo electrónico, licitaciones. Página № 2

País: Georgia

total: 411
27 jan
Типографские услуги и связанные с ними услуги (GE) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 20 020
Cliente: The Suboffice - the Border Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
Fuente: The Suboffice - the Border Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
17 jan
Инженерные услуги (GE) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 60 150
Cliente: The Suboffice - the Border Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
Fuente: The Suboffice - the Border Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
31 dec
Предметы одежды (GE) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 94 520
Cliente: The Suboffice - the Border Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
Fuente: The Suboffice - the Border Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
31 dec
Типографские услуги и связанные с ними услуги (GE) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 20 020
Cliente: The Suboffice - the Border Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
Fuente: The Suboffice - the Border Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
19 dec
Отделочные строительные работы (GE) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 349 315
Cliente: The Suboffice - the Border Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
Fuente: The Suboffice - the Border Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
19 dec
Отделочные строительные работы (GE) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 400 000
Cliente: The Suboffice - the Border Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
Fuente: The Suboffice - the Border Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
05 dec
Инженерные услуги (GE) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 37 000
Cliente: The Suboffice - the Border Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
Fuente: The Suboffice - the Border Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
25 nov
Строительно-монтажные работы (GE) Agregar a favoritos
Precio inicial del contrato: 14 965
Cliente: The Suboffice - the Border Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia
Fuente: The Suboffice - the Border Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia

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Número: 1167285

País: United Kingdom

Fuente: Contracts Finder