Mission de maîtrise d"oeuvre pour la restructuration de 12 logements situés au 9 rue Pavée (4e) (Oferta №50980879es)


País: France
Idioma: FR
Número: 50980879
Fecha de publicación: 12-11-2021


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Acceso completo
Construction of three new Enviro Loo Toilet Blocks comprising of three (3) standard seats for girls, three (3) junior seats for Grade R learners and two (2) seats and four (4) urinals for boys. Remedial work to the concrete slab and completion of one 4-seat Enviro Loo Block (with Paraplegic Seat). Refurbishment of one existing 4-seat Enviro Loo Block. Demolition of all pit toilets (14) and rehabilitation of the ground. Dismantling of Enviro Loo components from unfinished 4-seat Enviro Loo block to be used elsewhere, demolition and rehabilitation of the ground. Storm water drainage, concrete aprons, concrete ramps, paving walkways ((uncovered), upgrade of existing drinking fountains, new drinking fountains and fencing around new and existing elevated tank stands and Grade R toilets. Existing borehole upgrades, including water treatment system to make borehole water suitable for human consumption. Two new elevated tank stands, two new 10 Kilolitres water storage tanks, water harvesting tank to all new toilet blocks (including a taps), reticulation of the elevated water to all the pipe-stands or drinking fountains (TSHANGWANE PRIMARY SCHOOL) Fuente: Tender Publication

Construction of new Enviro Loo Toilet Block comprising of three (3) seats one (1) urinal and one (1) paraplegic seat. Remedial work to the concrete slab of two 4-seat Enviro Loo Blocks. Remedial work to the concrete slab of one 4-seat Enviro Loo Block (with Paraplegic Seat). Remedial work to the concrete slab of one 3-seat Enviro Loo Block (with Urinal cubicle). Demolition of all pit toilets (12) and rehabilitation of the ground. Storm water drainage, concrete aprons, concrete ramps, paving walkways (uncovered), upgrade of existing drinking fountains, new drinking fountains and fencing around new and existing elevated tank stands. Existing borehole upgrades, including water treatment system to make borehole water suitable for human consumption. Two new elevated tank stands, two new 10 Kilolitres water storage tanks, water harvesting tank to the new toilet block (including a tap), reticulation of the elevated water to all the pipe-stands or drinking fountains. (TSEANA SECONDARY SCHOOL) Fuente: Tender Publication

Civil Structural Engineeering Services for Additional Accommodation at Gaelscoil na Ríthe, Dunshaughlin, Co Meath. Fuente: ETenders

Quantity Surveying Services for Additional Accommodation at Gaelscoil na Ríthe, Dunshaughlin, Co Meath. Fuente: ETenders

Building Services (M&E) Engineeering Services for Additional Accommodation at Gaelscoil na Ríthe, Dunshaughlin, Co Meath. Fuente: ETenders

Establishment of CT Scanning facilities at District Head Quarter Hospitals in Punjab Fuente: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL