Advertising campaign services (№1078186)


Número: 1078186

País: Estonia

Fuente: TED



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  1. Section I. Contracting authority
    1. Name, addresses and contact point(s)
      Gonsiori 29
      Contact point(s): 15027
      For the attention of: Karin Volmer
      Telephone: +372 56964876
      E-mail: [email protected]
      Internet address(es):
      General address:

    2. Type of the contracting authority
      Ministry or any other national or federal authority, including their regional or local sub-divisions
    3. Main activity
      General public services
      Social protection
    4. Contract award on behalf of other contracting authorities
      The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: no
  2. Section II. Object of the contract
    1. Description
      1. Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority

        Raamhange sotsiaalkampaaniate korraldamiseks aastatel 2017–2020: vähenenud töövõimega inimeste osalemine ühiskonnaelus.

      2. Type of contract and location of works, place of delivery or of performance
        Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance:


        NUTS code: EE
      3. Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)
        The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement
      4. Short description of the contract or purchase(s)

        Riigihanke lühikirjeldus: raamlepingu sõlmimine võimalusel kolme agentuuriga, kes pakuvad täisteenust hanke objektiks olevate tööde ja nendega seotud tegevuste teostamiseks. Sotsiaalkampaaniate eesmärk on toetada vähenenud töövõimega inimeste aktiivset osalemist ühiskonnaelus. Selleks suurendatakse Eesti elanike teadlikkust vähenenud töövõimega inimestest, vähendatakse hirme ja eelarvamusi, suurendatakse Eesti elanike valmisolekut arvestada vähenenud töövõimega inimeste aktiivse osalemisega ühiskonnaelus, sh tööturul; ning suurendatakse ka vähenenud töövõimega inimeste endi julgust ja eneseusku ühiskonnaelus aktiivselt osalemiseks.

        2.2 Käesoleva hanke mõistes on reklaamikampaania kindla eesmärgiga kavandatud turundustegevus, mis koosneb omavahel seotud ja koordineeritud teadetest ja/või reklaamidest, mis keskenduvad ühe või mitme teema tutvustamisele ning jõuavad kindla osani elanikkonnast ehk sihtrühmani läbi ühe või mitme meediakanali kombinatsiooni.

      5. Common procurement vocabulary (CPV):
      6. Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA):
        The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): yes
    2. Total final value of contract(s):
      1. Total final value of contract(s):
        Value: 600 000.00 EUR
        Excluding VAT
  3. Section IV. Procedure
    1. Type of procedure
      1. Type of procedure
    2. Award criteria
      1. Award criteria
        The most economically advantageous tender in terms of
        1. 9.6.1 Reklaamteenuste kogumaksumus. Weighting: 30
        2. 9.6.2 Näidistöö – kampaania loovkontseptsioon ja selle vastavus kampaania eesmärkidele.. Weighting: 40
        3. 9.6.3 Näidistöö – kampaania kommunikatsiooniplaan. Weighting: 25
        4. 9.6.4 Näidistöö – kampaania näidiseelarve kasutamine. Weighting: 5
      2. Information about electronic auction
        An electronic auction will be used: no
    3. Administrative information
      1. File reference number attributed by the contracting authority
      2. Previous publication(s) concerning the same contract
        Contract notice
        Notice number in the OJEU: 2017/S 001-001251 of 03.01.2017
  4. Section V. Award of contract
      Contract No: 1 Lot title:

      Raamleping_Division OU

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      D/V/S/ON OÜ
      Põhja pst 27a
      Contact point(s): 10415
      Telephone: +372 5282071
      E-mail: [email protected];[email protected]
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 600 000.00 EUR
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: 2 Lot title:

      Raamleping_MUST OU

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Must OÜ
      Nõgikikka tn 10-2
      Contact point(s): 13415
      Telephone: +372 5164240
      E-mail: [email protected]
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 600 000.00 EUR
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

      Contract No: 3 Lot title:

      Raamleping_Big Idea Group OU (1)

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Big Idea Group OÜ
      Maakri 19/21
      Contact point(s): 10145
      Telephone: +372 56237001
      E-mail: [email protected]
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 600 000.00 EUR
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting

  5. Section VI. Complementary information
    1. Information about European Union funds
      The contract is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: yes
      Reference to project(s) and/or programme(s):

      JAH, ESF 2014-2020 perioodil TATist „Töövõime süsteemi toetavad tegevused“.

    2. Additional information
    3. Procedures for appeal
      1. Body responsible for appeal procedures
        Riigihangete vaidlustuskomisjon
        Endla 13/Lõkke 5
        Contact point(s): 10122
        Telephone: +372 6113713
        E-mail: [email protected]
        Fax: +372 6113760
        Internet address:
      2. Lodging of appeals
      3. Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained
        Riigihangete vaidlustuskomisjon
        Endla 13/Lõkke 5
        Contact point(s): 10122
        Telephone: +372 6113713
        E-mail: [email protected]
        Fax: +372 6113760
        Internet address:
    4. Date of dispatch of this notice