Izgradnja kanalizacijskih mreža Sustava Zabok i Sustava Zlatar (Oferta №115657393es)


País: Croatia
Idioma: HR
Número: 115657393
Fecha de publicación: 09-12-2024
Precio inicial del contrato: 31 059 418 (EUR)
Importe original: 233 700 108 (HRK)



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Acceso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of various technical spares for Ladysmith and Alrode Stores. Specifications: - Module, 16 Channel Relay, P/N: 3500/33; - Module, 3500/42M; - Accelerometer, Vibration Sensonics; - UPS, Stand Alone, O/P 10 KVA, I/P 50 HZ; - UPS, Single Phase, 220 V, 220 V, 5 KVA. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Addendum: Extension of Closing Date: Proposals are hereby requested for maintenance, repairs and replacement of Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) system and chillers at pump stations and terminals. Scope of works: This scope of work is for the maintenance, repairs and replacement of HVAC system and Chillers that are installed at the following pump stations and terminals: • Twini Pump Station: Old Main Road, Amanzimtoti, • Mngeni Booster station: Stockville Rd, Mahogany Ridge, Westmead, Pinetown, • Hilltop Pump Station: Chief Mhlabunzima Rd, Copesville, Pietermaritzburg, • Duzi Booster station: Ottos Bluff Rd, Dunimarle, Pietermaritzburg, • Mooi River Booster station: District Rd (D54), Mooi River, • Mnambithi Pump Station: Un-named road off R600, on farm Kranskloof 13091, Ladysmith, • Fort Mistake Booster station: Off N11, Newcastle, • Warden Metering Station: Rondavel 1674, Farm Road, Harrismith, • Villiers Metering Station: Niemandskraal, Farm Road, Cornelia, • Wilge Booster station: S159, Frankfort, Wilge River, • Island View Terminal: Cnr Taiwan & Trinidad Rd,Island View, Durban, • Jameson Park Terminal: Cnr R42 Poortjie Road, Nigel, Heidelberg, • Alrode Pump Station: 35 Garfield Street, Alberton, • Waltloo Delivery Station: 274 Alwyn Street, Waltloo, Pretoria, • Durban Pump Station: Cnr Abadan & Sumatra Rd, Islandview, Durban. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: ICT - Hardware: Supply 6 each x interface communication unit. Specifications: CU-XE (2 x Ethernet Interfaces, RS485/RS422, RS232). Including SCADA License, supports the following protocol: IEC 62056-21, DLMS, IEC 60870-5-104, DHCP Ethernet speed of 10-BASE-TX and 100-BASE-TX. Delivery Date: 2025/02/27. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Wurzelstockfräsungen in diversen Friedhöfen Fuente: Wiener Stadtwerke Holding

Obras de renovación de la red de abastecimiento desde el depósito hasta la entrada del casco urbano Fuente: Gobierno de Navarra

Gestion del centro juvenil Fuente: Gobierno de Navarra