某单位设施整治建设项目 (Oferta №91031231es)


País: China
Idioma: CN
Número: 91031231
Fecha de publicación: 15-09-2023


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Acceso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of riggers and 90t crane hire for Caillard Luffing Motor Replacement for Transnet Soc Ltd operating as Transnet Port Terminals at the Port of Richards Bay. Scope: The supplier should perform work as follows: 1. Provide three rigging crews for 10 days (weekdays); 2. Provide cranes 90 tons for 3 days of weekdays; 3. The rigging crew is expected to work 18 hours a day; 4. Normal hours are from 07:00 – 16:00 (9 hours); 5. After 16:00 is overtime (9 hours); 6. Riggers will work 1 weekend within 10 days (from 06h00 to 18h00); 7. The contractor will be expected to conduct rigging studies and risk assessments before conducting any lifting; 8. The Contractor will be expected to ensure that all rigging equipment are certified (load tested) and properly inspected prior to using them as per the OHS Act of 1993; 9. Riggers must come with their own tools; 10. Tool must have a check list and test certificate; 11. The riggers will remove old motor, lift new motor and secure boom. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Civil, Road, Sewer, Plumbing & Engineering Supplies: Supply of pipe; copper; 28mm; 5.5m; class 2, qty: 20 each. Specifications: - Pipe; - Material: Copper; - Size: 28mm; - Length: 5.5m; - Class 2; - Standard: SABS approved, SANS 460 and bearing the SABS mark (where applicable) and/or JASWIC approved. Delivery date: 2023/10/10. Delivery to: Logistics - Hillstar Water Works Materials Store. Delivery address: 01 Bamboesvlei Road, Wetton. Please note that this quotation was published late. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

False Bay TVET College is inviting bids for the following services: Hiring/setup of decor, cutlery, crockery and audio-visual equipment including live streaming and generator hire for PA, lights, urns for the Annual Awards Ceremony to be held on the 12th October 2023 at Khayelitsha Campus. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Joburg City Theatres invites interested bidders/service providers to submit proposals for the following: Supply, delivery & installation of rigging gear. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Joburg City Theatres invites interested bidders/service providers to submit proposals for the following: Upgrade of stage machinery. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

某单位颈腰伤病防治设备采购项目竞争性谈判公告 Fuente: CCGP