国家税务总局大同市云冈区税务局口泉税务局分局装修改造工程竞争性磋商 (Oferta №113015360es)


País: China
Idioma: CN
Número: 113015360
Fecha de publicación: 28-10-2024


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Acceso completo
Quotations are hereby requested for Training: South African Sign Language as a Language of Learning and Teaching (Structure and Method). Scope of works: The service provider is requested to provide a South African Sign Language (SASL) training course to the educators and Deaf Teacher Assistants. The training shall be conducted in Reuben Birin School for the Deaf (Gqeberha): Categories: Foundation Phase & Intermediate Phase, Quantity: 20 Officials. The service provider is expected to provide the following in the training course: - Method and Structure of SASL as a Language of Teaching and Learning, - Linguistics: The basis for understanding the grammatical aspects of South African Sign language, - Training conducted by ETDP SETA accredited facilitators, - The service provider must provide quality South African Sign Language (SASL) training to equip hearing educators with communication skills to communicate with and educate deaf learners in South African Sign Language, - To ensure that South African Sign Language is proficiently used and accessible in schools, deaf people and educators will be appointed to schools for the deaf, - Educators can communicate and educate deaf learners using correct and recognized fingerspelling and the structure of South African Sign Language. - Educators can interact socially with deaf learners/persons by employing South African Sign Language words to greet, explain, and discuss common themes. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Informal tenders are hereby invited to supply & deliver circuit breaker, 50amp 240v 5ka curve 2 SFM1-G3, c/w PVC insulating shrouds embossed NMBM, unit: Each, qty: 150. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

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