沂沭泗水利管理局沂沭河水利管理局沂沭河局2024年上半年防汛工程设施修复(应急度汛)工程成... (Oferta №100200690es)


País: China
Idioma: CN
Número: 100200690
Fecha de publicación: 23-02-2024


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Acceso completo
Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Sorting and crushing of builders’ rubble to -40mm at Velddrif Transfer Station for a period ending 30 June 2025, as set out in the specifications. Scope of works: Building rubble defined as sand, concrete, wooden planks, plastic etc. is all it forms on the dump. The tenderer will be required to remove contaminated items such as plastic; wood; pipes etc. from the rubble to a designated area. The crushed material will be stockpiled at desired location on site. Sorting: The successful tenderer will be responsible to manually sort the rubble to expose the building rubble suitable for crushing by using local labour. The contaminants will be placed in designated bins and disposed of by the Municipality. All labour to be equipped with relevant safety equipment. Crushing: Expose suitable building rubble from the dump. Sorting and picking to produce a cleaner product. The product will be fed into a demolition crusher to produce a - 40mm product. Stockpiling: Final product will be stockpiled in designated area on site. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

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