UEB Support (Oferta №99213421es)


País: Anguilla
Idioma: AI
Número: 99213421
Fecha de publicación: 07-02-2024


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Acceso completo
Re-Advertisement: Formal written quotations are hereby invited for the maintenance of chemical dosing equipment at 3 water purification plants and 8 wastewater treatment plants for 30 days, on an as and when required basis. Quantity: 11. Specification: - Works: Municipal pools/sewer package plant: Witbank Dam/Bankenveld - Chlorine dosing system, Kwa-Guqa - Chlorine dosing system, clear water, design capacity MI per day: Unknown, - Works: Witbank WTW: Chlorine dosing system, HTH dosing system, Poly dosing system, design capacity MI per day: 110 ML/d, - Works: Ga-Nala WTW: Chlorine dosing system, Lime Feeders, HTH dosing system, Poly dosing system, design capacity MI per day: 15 ML/d, - Works: Rietspruit WTW: Chlorine dosing system, Bentonite and Lime Feeders, HTH dosing system, Poly dosing system, design capacity MI per day: 4 ML/d, - Works: Phola WWTW: Chlorine dosing system, HTH dosing system, design capacity MI per day: 6 ML/d, - Works: Ferrobank WWTW: Chlorine dosing system, HTH dosing system, design capacity MI per day: 14 ML/d, - Works: Naauwpoort WWTW: Chlorine dosing system, HTH dosing system, design capacity MI per day: 10 ML/d, - Works: Klipspruit WWTW: Chlorine dosing system, HTH dosing system, design capacity MI per day: 10 ML/d, - Works: Riverview WWTW: Chlorine dosing system, HTH dosing system, design capacity MI per day: 11 ML/d, - Works: Ga-Nala WWTW: Chlorine dosing system, HTH dosing system, design capacity MI per day: 4.2 ML/d, - Works: Rietspruit WWTW: Chlorine dosing system, HTH dosing system, Ferric Chloride dosing system, design capacity MI per day: 2 ML/d. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement of tender ID: 2140385: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Maintenance of lime and bentonite silos dosing system, on an as and when required basis. Specifications: 1. An operator to be provided full-time on site, Monday to Friday, to monitor the plant during normal working hours; 2. The maintenance team to visit site at least 3 times a week to conduct plant inspection and conduct routine maintenance. Please confirm the closing time. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

三亚市商务局-2024 第四届海南国际热带水果产业博览会暨全国春季农产品交易会-竞争性磋商公告 Fuente: www.ccgp-hainan.gov.cn

Contract for a Single Cell Analysis Station with Epigenetic Capability (SerLab Project) Fuente: Sell2Wales – Government´s Initiative

Contract for a Single Cell Analysis Station with Epigenetic Capability (SerLab Project) Fuente: Sell2Wales – Government´s Initiative

Contract for a Single Cell Analysis Station with Epigenetic Capability (SerLab Project) Fuente: Sell2Wales – Government´s Initiative