Framework for Repair & Maintenance of Passenger Lifts (Oferta №97288582es)


País: Anguilla
Idioma: AI
Número: 97288582
Fecha de publicación: 02-01-2024


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of flight chains. Scope: - Manufacture, supply and deliver mining equipment flight chains for Exxaro Matla Coal Mine. Specifications: To manufacture, supply & deliver underground mining Flight Chains, Head Shafts, Links, Sprockets and CAT Tracks to Exxaro Matla Coal Mine: 1. Feeder Breaker Flight Chains: - Chain, Conveyor: Application: Feeder Breaker, Type: Heavy duty, pitch: 142, Material: Steel, Length: 792 Links. 2. Shuttle Car Flight Chains: - There are two types of Shuttle car with their own configuration; - Current Shuttle Car Flight chains consists of Head Shaft and Tail shaft. The installation also consists of two flight chains that runs parallel to each other; - Conveyor: Type: Double Sprocket, Material: STL EN19 Hardened. 3. Continuous Miner Conveyor Flight Chain: - Continuous Miner Conveyor Flight Chain consists of a single flight chain with a head shaft and sprocket on the spade side. The connecting links are a swivel type to accommodate the tail ends movement from side to side. 4. Continuous Miner CAT Track chain assembly: - The CAT tracks consist of individual pad interlinked with each other and driven by two shafts and sprocket. 5. Provide technical support and after sales service to Matla Coal Mine. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Rental of office space for the Northern Cape Management & Administration Functions as per specifications. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby requested for the following: Supply & Deliver: Bin Recycling Round Concrete Bin, Size: 740mm high x 500mm diameter, Quantity: 25. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply & deliver small tools. Specifications: 1. Bucket 10L Plastic, qty: 4 EA; 2. Knife Cane (Lasher), qty: 14EA; 3. Rake Plastic (Specify), qty: 8 EA; 4. Rake Steel, qty: 4 EA; 5. Slasher Grass, qty: 12 EA; 6. Spade Steel, qty: 15 EA; 7. Shovel Steel, qty: 15 EA; 8. Hosepipe 30mm x 30m Heavy Duty, qty: 4 EA; 9. Crowbar 1.7m x 35mm Heavy Duty, qty: 5 EA; 10. Pick and Handle, qty: 8 EA. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Civil, Road, Sewer, Plumbing & Engineering Supplies: Supply of new pneumatic actuators. Scope: - Kinetrol actuator Specs: Supply Pneumatic Controlled Rotary Vane Actuator; - Quantity: 7 off; - Description: Rotary Vane Type Actuator only; - Design Features: 90 degree turn; - Durable Epoxy stove enamel finish; - Easy stop adjustment at each end of stroke for accurate seating; - Long life PTFE internal finish; - Seal materials: Moulded Polyurethane; - Corrosion resistant aluminium casing; - Integral vane/shaft casing with only one moving part; - Manual override square and position indicator; - Stainless steel expanders to ensure long term lip seal and case contact; - No cranks or gearing; - ISO adaptor included NB; - Equivalent unit may be supplied; - Unit supplied must be compatible to the current Faure WTP (water treatment plant) installation; - Unit supplied will not be accepted if plant modifications are required; - The dimensions of the intended supplied valve must be within the following due to restriction of confined spaces and hence the total height of the actuator may not exceed 146mm. Example of unit: - Manufacturer: Kinetrol; - Model: 09. Delivery Date: 2024/02/29. Delivery To: Faure - Treatment Plant. Delivery Address: E&AM Schaapkraal Depot, Schaapkraal Road, Phillipi, Cape Town. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS