Delivery of NDORS Scheme (Oferta №96612460es)


País: Anguilla
Idioma: AI
Número: 96612460
Fecha de publicación: 20-12-2023


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Acceso completo
Re-advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery, off-loading and assembling of library furniture, appliances and tools for new and existing libraries over a period of three (3) years as and when required. Department: Community and Social Development Services. Please confirm the closing date and time. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Bid proposals are hereby invited from suitably qualified and accredited service providers who are interested to submit their proposals to tender for the following project for Winnie Madikizela-Mandela Local Municipality: Indigent Register Data Management and Verification for 36 months. Scope of work: Application, Validation, Verification and Management. System Requirements: - The system must be able to search new and current application status anytime; - The system must be used to produce automated reports on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis; - Generate reports that will be sent to the approval committee for review of applications received and that will undergo approvals and disapprovals; - Send SMS notifications to applicants about their applications status and re-evaluation processes; - Uploading of documents and images to the system; - Send communication to applicants about the outcome of their application; - The system must be able to create a reliable Indigent Register database; - The system must be able to import and export files in formats required by the municipality; - The system must be able to execute the whole indigent management process; - The system will be used to generate site inspection for verification of households and allow third-party screening of applicants and household members. Third party screening will include and not be limited to the Department of Labour, Home Affairs, South African Social Security Agency and Credit Bureau; - The system must be able to integrate with Local Municipality"s financial system; - Local Municipality will host the system in its Data Centre or at the cost of a service provider in their data Centre or cloud solutions; - Provision of 32 handheld devices for collection of data at ward level. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Biosecurity App workstream within the Arwain DGC2 programme Fuente: Sell2Wales – Government´s Initiative

Cynllun Creu Lleoedd Pwllheli Fuente: Sell2Wales – Government´s Initiative

Pwllheli Town Centre Palcemaking Plan Fuente: Sell2Wales – Government´s Initiative

NMWTRA Traffic Management Services Framework Contract 2023 Fuente: Sell2Wales – Government´s Initiative