Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a Policy, Research and Legislative Review Team (Porlet) 2024 for a period of 36 months as and when needed. The scope of work for the Panel members will broadly be comprised of the following: - Undertake research and compile reports on housing and human settlements issues as determined by the needs of the Department; - Drafting human settlement technical guidelines, draft designs, undertake costing, develop business processes, programmes, policies and norms and standards as and when required; - Undertake legal research, draft legislation and regulations as and when required; - Undertake costing of various human settlements products and support the Department with additional assignments where necessary; - The scope of the panel will not only be confined to the defined scope and mandate, but where applicable will also include undertaking of other priority research, policy, programme development and legislative related assignments as urgent tasks; - The scope of work will be linked to workplans that will be developed and approved by the Department; - The workplans will contain specific deliverables, time, duration of the assignment and define the budget which will be calculated according to a specified hourly rate, as stipulated in the DPSA schedule of rates; - Work will be allocated to individuals (junior and senior professionals) based on their availability and on a fair, equitable and, if need be, also on a rotational basis. (Oferta №115911273es)


País: South Africa
Idioma: EN
Número: 115911273
Fecha de publicación: 13-12-2024
Fecha límite para solicitudes en: 41 days


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Acceso completo
Proposals are hereby invited for P Gallery concrete repairs in the Port of Richards Bay as a once off supply. Scope of Works: The P Gallery Concrete repairs project includes the following sub tasks: a) Perform a detailed condition assessment, investigations, and testing to determine the current condition of the P Gallery (viz all concrete works and structural steel work); b) Detailed Structural assessment and analysis of the concrete columns, slabs and concrete beams. The current beams have been identified as requiring design checks for structural strength and subsequent durability restoration methods to be considered, which could include: • Design Checks on the existing concrete structure and recommendations based on current operations; • Design and construct the necessary strengthening to ensure adequate capacity of the existing gallery and supporting structure to maintain safe operations; • Design checks on the existing columns and any strengthening required (viz encasement with steel jackets or carbon fibre, or similar suitable corrective action); • Removal of poor concrete and encasement with special epoxy mortars c) Remedial works to rectify current levels of concrete spalling and corrosion of reinforcement by means of an approved repair methodology; d) Repair all cracks with an approved crack injection system or an approved alternate solution; e) Missing or damaged roof sheets to be replaced to prevent water ingress and pooling on the gallery floor; Sheeting to match existing to be approved by the client; f) All severely corroded steel members need to be replaced and to be corrosion protected as per the clients standard; g) Steel members showing signs of minor corrosion to be treated with the clients corrosion protection system; h) Missing and damaged louvers need to be replaced to match existing; i) Damaged side cladding to be replaced to match existing; j) The severely spalled concrete upstand needs to be repaired with and approved concrete repair methodology; k) The movement joint is to be assessed and rehabilitated and an approved joint sealing system is to be installed; l) The contractor is to assume full accountability and responsibility of the designs and remediation and issue a certificate of stability on completion of the works. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for rendering of a shipping agents outside the borders of South Africa for the South African Navy for a period of three (3) years contract. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Soft Landscaping Enhancements: Professional Services - Landscape Designer. The scope of works includes soft landscaping improvements along Kruskal Avenue from Cross Street to Wilshammer Street, including Lower Blanckenberg Street. The area is currently being upgraded with new road layer works and paving, public lighting, storm water and other hard landscaping finishes. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fleet: Light and Medium Vehicle Spares: Supply of parts: - 1 each x CCT32445 gearbox mounting nuts; - 1 each x CCT32445 inner CV left and grease; - 1 each x CCT32445 side shaft seal; - 1 each x CCT32445 gearbox top mounting; - 1 each x CCT33052 aircon belt; - 2 each x CCT33052 alternator belts; - 1 each x CCT33052 power steering belt; - 1 each x CCT33052 aircon cleaner spray. Specifications: - Supply parts: CCT32445 Nissan NV200 1.6 BA 2014, Vin: VSKYAAM20Z0087395; - Supply parts: CCT33052 Nissan NP300 2.5 BH 2017, Vin: ADNAPGD22ZR099222. Delivery Date: 2024/12/20. Please note that this quotation was published late. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of toilet papers and hand towels (once-off). Specifications: - 500 sheet single ply virgin paper toilet rolls (48 rolls per packet), qty: 1200 packets; - Hand paper towel 1 ply virgin paper (roll) Pack of 6 (200mm x 150m) qty: 40 packets (6 rolls per pack). Required at: (Town Name): Johannesburg. Please note that this bid was published late. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for the Supply and Delivery of A4 Executive Diaries for 2025, black/navy x 115. Required at: Cape Town. Please note that this bid was published late. Fuente: ONLINE TENDERS